Murya Exotica
This common hedge planting bears sweet-scented white flowers about half an inch across and similarly sized inedible red fruits resembling miniature limes.
Botanical Name - Murya exotica
Common Name - Miniature Orange Jasmine
Additional Info
This dwarf variety of murya stays compact. The shrub gets bushy but stays short 1-2ft tall. Very fragrant flowers year-round followed by red fruit. Good for potting culture and as a houseplant. This plant is very interesting. The seedlings start blooming in small 1-2″ size when they have only 3-4 leaves! It needs lots of direct suns, likes to be somewhat on a dry side. Do not push it with fertilizer. It is VERY slow-growing. In 2 years it may grow as little as 1 ft tall, this is why it is called Mini. But the good thing is it starts blooming in a few weeks to 1-2 months after germination.