Ant tree
Xanthostemon grows very fast and spread quickly, bears profuse yellow color ball-shaped flowers. Plants of 3 ft ht are available in poly bags

Botanical Name - Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Additional Info
Xanthostemon chrysanthus, is still quite unknown outside its native country and is pretty hard to find. This is a very desirable garden plant for warmer climates. The glorious, dense flower heads are well displayed at branches ends and are bright yellow with stunningly extended stamens reminiscent of a Bottlebrush. Bloom time in Northern hemisphere lasts from winter through early spring, which makes it especially valuable. In sub-tropical and tropical areas it flowers reliably and often within 2-3 years from seed. New leaves start out red, contrasting beautifully with older, lance shaped glossy green foliage. In native rainforest environment the tree can grow up to 40-50 ft, however in gardens, it may reach only 15-20 ft. It responds well to pruning and can be easily shaped into a shrub, hedge or screen with annual pruning. Golden Penda is a favorite of birds and butterflies; it makes a good cut flower. The plant is pretty hardy, tolerates dry soil and requires almost no watering once established; however, it will thrive providing moist rich soils. It can also take light frosts.