Asparagus sprengeri
Its a very good plant for edges and also be used as a pot plant and for hanging baskets. Foliage of the plant itself looks attractive. No need for more attention to this plant.
Botanical Name - asparagus sprengeri
Common Name - Emerald Feather
Additional Info
Asparagus meyeri is an evergreen arching perennial that has feathery, needle-like, stems. Foxtail Fern is often thought of as a fern but really it is not a true fern, i.e. it produces seeds rather than spores. This “Fern” is however related to the vegetable Asparagus which also has fern-like foliage. Foxtail Fern is very similar to Asparagus Fern only its growth habit is very dense and it produces tail-like fronds for a fluffy “Foxtail” look. In the summer the plant has small white flowers that are followed by bright red berries. The plant can grow 2 feet in height and to a width of 3 to 4 feet. Unique growth habit makes it an outstanding accent plant in any garden also makes a great hanging basket.