Chinese fan palm
Chinese fan palm which grows moderately in size with a smooth grey stripe and dense canopy with drooping planet leaves. A plant is also suitable to grow in a temperate climate.
Botanical Name - Livistonia chinensis
Common Name - Chinese fan palm, Chinese fountain palm
Additional Info
Livistona chinensis is also known as Chinese fan palm or Chinese fountain palm. It is sometimes named Latania Chinensis. The Chinese fan palm may reach 50 ft (15 m) tall, but is generally smaller, with a more modest size of 20-30 ft. (6-9 m) It has a smooth grey stripe, and a dense canopy made of slightly drooping palmate leaves.
This palm is a slow grower, especially in temperate climates. It will withstand negative temperatures of 20-15°F (-7 to -9°C) for brief periods.
The Chinese fan palm has an evergreen dense canopy, made of palmate leaves that can be up to 5 ft (1,50 m) long. These leaves are made of leaflets that are slightly drooping, and that gives a graceful aspect to this palm. The Chinese fan palm has a yellow-cream inflorescence. This palm has blue fruits that are about 1 in (2-3 cm) long.
The Chinese fan palm is propagated by seeds.