Erythrina cristagalli plant

The best plant which can be used in a focal point so everyone looks at it

Common Name - Erythrina cristagalli plant

Additional Info

It is advisable to grow this plant in a very sunny place.
Remind that the Erythrina crista-galli can tolerate without any problem slight frosts; in particularly rigid winters cover the aerial part with frost cloth.

alpine: It is advisable to grow this plant to direct sunlight all year long.
We suggest to place these plants in a sheltered location in winter: even though they tolerate temperatures close to -5°C they do not tolerate intense frosts.

mediterranean: It is advisable to grow these plants in a very sunny location.
These plants are rather rustic and normally do not have problems also in case of frosts during winter; in case of particularly rigid winters, it is possible to cover the aerial part with frost cloth.

Fertilize Erythrina crista-galli: Shrubs fertilizing is given at the end of winter and at the end of summer, by burying at the base of the trunk a granular fertilizer or preferably a ripe organic fertilizer