Zamia Furfuracea
Also available in big size plants in plastic pots priced 500Rs
Common Name - Cardboard palm
Additional Info
Cardboard palm gets it’s name from its tough, hard leaves. A great plant for shade or most applications with less than full sun
As other common names, this plant is referred to as Coontie, Conti, Koontie or Konti
Zamia floridana is a carefree plant that needs no fertilizers or added water after establishment in most Florida soils. Larger (older) specimens are treasured by many
With the Sago palm being infected with cycad scale statewide, many have been lost and so folks are catching on that this Zamia is a great substitute. Highly drought tolerant, this Zamia is often used in xeriscape plantings
Folks also love the look of the red seeds we see mature around February in South Florida. If you want to start Zamia from seed, collect ripe seeds, remove flesh and direct seed in sandy soil
Other Zamia varieties are also very nice like Ceratozamia robusta from Mexico